Annual Energy Outlook 2012: With Projections to 2035
This document presents long-term projections of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2035. The “Legislation and regulations” section discusses evolving legislative and regulatory issues, including a summary of recently enacted legislation and regulations, such as: the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards; the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule; the new fuel efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles; and regulations pertaining to the power sector in California Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. The “Issues in focus” section contains discussions of selected energy topics, including a discussion of the results in two cases that adopt different assumptions about the future course of existing policies: one case assumes the extension of a selected group of existing public policies—corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, appliance standards, production tax credits, and the elimination of sunset provisions in existing energy policies; the other case assumes only the elimination of sunset provisions. Other discussions include: oil price and production trends; potential efficiency improvements and their impacts on end-use energy demand; energy impacts of proposed CAFE standards for light-duty vehicles, model years 2017 to 2025; impacts of a breakthrough in battery vehicle technology; heavy-duty natural gas vehicles; changing structure of the refining industry; changing environment for fuel use in electricity generation; nuclear power; potential impact of minimum pipeline throughput constraints on Alaska North Slope oil production; U.S. crude oil and natural gas resource uncertainty; and evolving Marcellus shale gas resource estimates. The “Market trends” section summarizes the projections for energy markets.
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Corporate Authors:
Energy Information Administration
Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC United States 20585 - Publication Date: 2012-6-25
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Web
- Features: Appendices; Figures; Maps; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 252p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Crude oil; Demand; Electric power supply; Electric vehicles; Electricity; Energy; Energy consumption; Forecasting; Legislation; Markets; Natural gas; Nuclear energy; Pollutants; Prices; Trend (Statistics)
- Identifier Terms: Corporate Average Fuel Economy
- Subject Areas: Energy; Transportation (General); I15: Environment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01483481
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jun 10 2013 9:56AM