Problems of road design and construction on the clay soils of the fitzroy basin in central Queensland
A large proportion of the soils of the fitzroy basin, inland from rockhampton in central Queensland, are heavy textured clay soils presenting a number of problems in road design and construction. Large areas of the fitzroy basin are deficient in naturally occurring gravels suitable for road construction. Investigations have been carried out into the prevailing moisture conditions of clay subgrades, and into the moisture density california bearing ratio relationship of these soils, and this information has been applied to pavement design (A).
- Record URL:
- Murphy, H W
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 1966
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 945-64
- Volume: 3
- Issue Number: 2
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: California bearing ratio; Clay; Construction management; Drainage; Durability; Moisture content; Pavement design; Road materials; Road shoulders; Strength of materials; Subgrade (Pavements)
- Uncontrolled Terms: Low cost roads
- Geographic Terms: Queensland
- ATRI Terms: California bearing ratio; Clay; Construction method; Density; Drainage; Durability; Low cost road; Moisture content; Pavement design; Road materials; Shoulder; Strength; Subgrade
- Subject Areas: Highways; Pavements;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01441504
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- Files: ATRI
- Created Date: Aug 24 2012 11:43PM