Shrinkage and creep of high strength concrete

This report contains three sections. The first section is on project 237 and supplements the report air 237-1 on creep results. It contains a full coverage on shrinkage experiments carried out to date, including comments on the NAASRA predicting procedure. There are appendices containing extracts from reports prepared by undergraduates who did the experiments. Also in the section on project 237 is a brief updating on creep rig experiments and an outline of recently commenced laboratory relaxation tests. The second section deals with project 299, the full scale beam creep test. It contains brief outlines of equipment used, data gathered, calculations performed on raw data and calculations performed to obtain final results. As far as results are yet available, beam elasticity, relaxation of tendons and creep of concrete are presented. Some brief comparisons are made with the creep rig tests. The third section contains overall conclusions and generally tries to put all results to date into perspective in relation to the NAASRA code. It attempts to highlight areas of concern in existing design procedures, especially where it is felt that interpretation of the code is important both for design and for assessing results in this research programme.

  • Record URL:
  • Corporate Authors:


    Melbourne, Victoria  Australia 
  • Authors:
    • Wyche, P J
  • Publication Date: 1978


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 19P
  • Serial:
    • Issue Number: AIR 237-2

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01439706
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 24 2012 10:28PM