Report of the ICADTS Working Group on alcohol-involved pedestrians

In many industrialized countries around the world, there has been a reduction in traffic crashes involving alcohol impaired drivers in the past decade. Unfortunately, this same reduction has not always occurred for alcohol- related fatal crashes involving adult pedestrians. These pedestrians tend to have very high blood alcohol levels and to be chronic alcohol abusers. Thus, prevention and intervention is challenging. Differences in culture, geography, and transportation alternatives lead to the need for different analyses of the problem and different strategies across countries. In an attempt to define and deal with this problem, the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (ICADTS) established an Alcohol-Involved Pedestrian Working Group. This ICADTS working group has been exploring the nature of the problem and what has occurred in different countries as well as the measures that are being taken or planned for dealing with this problem. Participating countries include Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Great Britain, India, and the United States. This paper briefly summarizes the findings of the working group thus far, in particular highlighting research carried out in the United States and Great Britain. Research on additional countries will be reviewed by the working group in the future.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 695-9
  • Serial:
    • Volume: 2

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01435863
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • ISBN: 0908204213
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 24 2012 7:19PM