An AAR Communication and Signal Section Committee has prepared a 'Guide to ACI Operational On-Site or Customer Acceptance Tests' for use with Automatic Car Identification equipment. GTE Information Systems has manufactured a series of Test Labels. Use of the test equipment will demonstrate that ACI systems will read and correctly output valid labels, not read labels not within the specifications, accurately indicate train count, accurately indicate unlabeled cars within the limitations of the car count logic, provide the message generation required for the prefix and suffix, output in the required code and discipline, correctly perform all other specified functions, and perform the above within the accepted environmental and power supply ranges. This article lists, describes, and explains the purpose of the Test Labels. It also describes the peripheral equipment tests.
Corporate Authors:
Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation
P.O. Box 350
Bristol, CT United States 06010 - Publication Date: 1971-3
Media Info
- Features: Figures;
- Pagination: p. 22-24
- Railway System Controls
- Volume: 2
- Issue Number: 3
- Publisher: Business Press International Limited
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Acceptance tests; Automatic car identification; Customer satisfaction; Customers
- Subject Areas: Economics; Railroads;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00041052
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Railway System Controls
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 9 1973 12:00AM