An investigation of the dynamic interaction between wheeled vehicles and road surfaces
Supplemental Notes:
- A dissertation submitted to the University of Cambridge for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
- Cebon, D
- Publication Date: 1985-6
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 198p + appendices
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Mathematical models; Pavement performance; Rolling contact; Roughness; Tires; Trucks; Vibration
- ATRI Terms: Modelling; Pavement performance; Roughness; Truck; Tyre; Vehicle pavement interaction; Vibration
- Subject Areas: Motor Carriers; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01390040
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- Files: ITRD, ATRI
- Created Date: Aug 23 2012 3:55AM