Use of sulphur in asphalt pavements

The performance of asphalt roads at high and low temperatures may be improved by the addition of sulphur-extended asphalt modifier (SEAM) pellets. The study compares performance properties of SEAM paving mixes, made with straight-run bitumens with conventional mixes and polymer-modified mixes. Marshall stability, APA rut depth and repeated load compressive creep test results indicated that addition of SEAM to asphalt mixes improved their rut resistance equivalent to using a higher PG bitumen by one to 3.6 grades. Rut resistant SEAM mix specimens made with soft bitumens were subjected to restrained specimen testing (TSRST). This confirmed that they were more resistant to cracking at low temperatures than conventional asphalt mixes of equal stability. The study with a sandy aggregate gradation confirmed that SEAM mix stability and rut resistance could be upgraded to the level of a high crush Superpave aggregate mix, facilitating conservation of aggregate resources. SEAM technology may be used to widen bitumen performance temperature range and renders SEAM mixes particularly suitable for heavy-duty pavements and special applications such as heavy traffic intersections, bus lanes, truck climbing lanes, airfields and container terminals and provides good candidates for thick, long life "perpetual" pavements.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 12p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01389564
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ITRD, ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 23 2012 3:35AM