Franchising Melbourne's train and tram system
In the late 1990s, the Victorian Government took the step of contracting the private sector to operate the train and tram system, in the form of franchises, for periods up to 15 years. In effect, the state paid private sector companies to provide an essential public service. The franchises soon became untenable, forcing the government to quickly find a viable solution. The government had 3 credible options: renegotiate metropolitan train and tram franchises with remaining operators; retender franchises; or restore train and tram services to public sector ownership. The government chose the renegotiation path. Today, metropolitan train and tram services are provided by separate private sector train and tram operators, and regional train services are provided by the state. This audit examined the renegotiation of the franchise arrangements and whether the issues that arose from the original arrangements were addressed and was an opportunity to test the government's model for developing and establishing public-private partnerships. The franchise renegotiations resulted in a good outcome for the state. There are some refinements in processes to be made, which should be addressed in future public-private ventures.
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Corporate Authors:
Victoria. Auditor-General
, - Publication Date: 2005-9
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 152p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Contracts; Governments; Management; Partnerships; Policy; Private enterprise; Public transit; Railroad transportation; State government; Trolley cars
- Geographic Terms: Melbourne (Australia)
- ATRI Terms: Contract; Partnership; Policy; Private sector; Public sector; Public transport; Rail transport; State government; Tram; Transport management
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Policy; Public Transportation; Railroads;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01389136
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 1921060131
- Files: ATRI
- Created Date: Aug 23 2012 2:48AM