Validation of traffic-related air pollution exposure estimates for long-term studies
This thesis describes a series of studies that investigate the validity of using outdoor concentrations and/or traffic-related indicator exposure variables as a measure for exposure assessment in epidemiological studies on the long-term effect of traffic-related air pollution. A pilot study was performed in 14 children attending one school in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The second study involved 54 children attending four different schools, two of which were located within 100 meter of a major road (one ring road and one freeway) and the other two were located at a background location in Utrecht. The third study was assessed in an adult population in Utrecht of which twenty-three participants lived at busy roads (more than 10 000 vehicles per 24 h) and 22 lived at urban background locations. In all studies, personal exposure to traffic-related pollutants (PM2.5, soot, NOx and NO2) was measured during four to five 48-hour periods. Simultaneously, school or home outdoor levels of the pollutants were monitored. In general, differences in outdoor levels of soot and differences in proximity to traffic were reflected in differences in personal soot concentrations, concluding that outdoor concentrations of soot and living near a busy road or attending a school near a busy road, are valid proxy measures for personal exposure to soot. In addition, the thesis shows that the estimates of the effect of exposure to outdoor air pollution on respiratory and other health effects may be substantially attenuated when exposure measurement used outdoor concentrations in childrens' schools instead of personal exposure.
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Supplemental Notes:
- Thesis to fulfil the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Utrecht University
- Van Roosbroeck, S
- Publication Date: 2007
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 139p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Adults; Air pollution; Children; Environment; Exhaust gases; Health; Residential location; Schools
- Uncontrolled Terms: Planning and Environment
- Geographic Terms: Netherlands
- ATRI Terms: Adult; Air pollution; Child; Environment; Health; Place of residence; School; Vehicle emissions
- Subject Areas: Environment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01386829
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 9789039345474
- Files: ATRI
- Created Date: Aug 22 2012 9:51PM