Annual performance indicators of enforced driver behaviours in South Australia, 2004

The Centre for Automotive Safety Research at the University of Adelaide was commissioned by the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure to produce a report quantifying performance indicators for selected enforced driver behaviours (drink driving, speeding, restraint use) in South Australia for the calendar year 2004. The level of random breath testing (RBT) in South Australia in 2004 was higher than all previous years except 2002. There was a marked increase in the number of drivers detected speeding compared to 2003, which was due to the introduction of dual purpose red light/speed cameras. However, decreasing utilisation of conventional speed cameras in the metropolitan area meant that speed detections were still far fewer than those in 2000-02. No urban speed surveys were conducted in 2004 but rural surveys revealed that reductions in speeds on 60 km/h roads in 2003 were maintained in 2004. The number of restraint offences in 2004 was 15 percent lower than the number in 2003. The amount of publicity supporting restraint use was also lower than in 2003, although the budget was sufficient to support a mass media campaign in both metropolitan and rural areas.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 58p
  • Serial:
    • Issue Number: CASR031

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01386496
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • ISBN: 9781920947309
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 22 2012 9:23PM