Low volume rural road upgrade options

A number of low volume rural roads (LVRR) pavement trial programmes have been undertaken in the last few years in the Cambodia, Lao and Vietnam. Only one trial programme so far in Cambodia has involved performance monitoring and hence there has been limited input to determining appropriate pavement upgrade options for Cambodia. This paper therefore relies heavily on the extensive SEACAP trials of over 140 km of roads in Vietnam for regional input to the review of Cambodian upgrade options. Upgrade options are reviewed under the following groupings: 1. bitumen emulsion surfacing; 2. hot bitumen surfacing; 3. stabilised pavement layers; 4. non-stabilised pavement layers; 5. block paving; 6. concrete pavements. It has become increasingly recognised that the life-time performance of LVRRs is influenced to a relatively greater extent than higher volume roads by the impact of the road environment. It follows that any summary of the of LVRR upgrade options should include an assessment of these road environment factors. Upgrade options are assessed in relation to key construction, performance and sustainability criteria and to some typical Cambodian road environments.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 37p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01384257
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 22 2012 4:22PM