Accuracy limitation of road profilers based on a single-axis accelerometer

The main objectives were to describe the accuracy limitations of road profilers based on a single-axis accelerometer, to assess the sensitivity of road profiling systems to errors in the measured elevation profile caused by tilt and rotation of the profiler, and to compare the realizable performance of single-accelerometer-based road profiling systems to performance requirements for profile measurement. Profile errors can be minimized through the use of a six-degree-of-freedom inertial reference system employing three accelerometers and three rotation sensors (typically via a gyroscope). The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) prototype Digital Highway Measurement System (DHMS) vehicle employs such a system. The basic methodology was: 1. compute error estimates in acceleration due to changes in the orientation of the accelerometer based on 3-D body and 3-D normal accelerations, and vehicle pitch and roll, 2. relate the errors to cross slope, grade, heading, and their rates of change, 3. compute corrected and estimated inertial profiles based on vertical accelerations normal to the trajectory of the vehicle and vertical accelerations with respect to the body of the vehicle in a tilted orientation, respectively, and 4. compute the propagated differences in the output metrics between the corrected and uncorrected estimated inertial profiles.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 17p
  • Monograph Title: 6th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics, 20-23 October 2008, Potoroz, Slovenia: proceedings

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01383788
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • ISBN: 9789612389666
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 22 2012 3:51PM