The First Penguin Through the Data Ice Hole: Using Cell Phone and GPS Data to Improve Integrated Models

This paper describes one of the first uses of Mygistics/Airsage and PTV/TomTom data to build an integrated travel demand and traffic operations model for the Interstate 80/State Route 65 (I-80/SR 65) Interchange Project in Placer County, California. Fehr & Peers has created numerous integrated models for past freeway interchange projects that connected regional (macro-level) travel demand models with (meso-scale) and (micro-scale) operations models. This project involved a first attempt at accelerating the model development process through the purchase of global position system (GPS) speed data and cell phone origin-destination (OD) data while also attempting to improve the accuracy of the models. The paper will focus on the following items: Establishing the physical limits of the study area; Determining appropriate traffic analysis zones (TAZs) and boundaries; Converting cell phone activity to travel activity and traffic flows; Selecting the analysis time frame and time periods; Understanding network coding characteristics for seamless transition to DynusT and VISSIM.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Web
  • Features: Figures; Maps;
  • Pagination: 9p
  • Monograph Title: Managing Operational Performance...Exceeding Expectations. 2012 ITE Technical Conference and Exhibit

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01383608
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 22 2012 3:38PM