The Seetru resilient-grip mounting bolt has been applied to railway track fastening problems resulting in a new rail mounting system for all types of sleepers, espically concrete sleepers. This method of rail fastening combines positive location for the rail (both against longitudinal slipping and lateral displacement) with an essential measure of resilience. The rail foot is carried on a compact and rigid baseplate, which, in turn, rests on a rubber pad of equal size placed direct on the surface of the sleeper. The rail is secured to the baseplate by means of two simple, strong clips and two bolts. The rail is tied to the baseplate with great strength, through direct metal to metal contact, and this can be made more than adequate to hold the rail against any longitudinal slipping, even under arduous conditions of heavy train braking. Laterally, the rail is firmly located between the ribs of the baseplate, clips, and bolts together form essentially one single, rigid, assembled structure.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Temple Press Limited

    161-166 Fleet Street
    Longon EC4,   England 
  • Authors:
    • Varga, O H
    • Jebsen, L A
  • Publication Date: 1956-11-2

Media Info

  • Features: Photos; Tables;
  • Pagination: p. 528-530
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00039964
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Dec 4 1994 12:00AM