This article compares what has been done by European and North American railways to combat snow and ice. For snow clearance all railways seriously affected use ploughs which may be either of the ordinary steel-blade type for pushing snow aside, or of the rotary type. While the rotary type is more effective in deep drifts, it is more expensive in capital, maintenance, and operating costs. In addition, it is comparatively slow in operation. For removing packed snow and ice flame guns and steam lances are used in Great Britain. Electric point heaters are used in Great Britain, U.S. and Germany. Sheds and screens are used for avalanche protection in Switzerland and France.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Temple Press Limited

    161-166 Fleet Street
    Longon EC4,   England 
  • Publication Date: 1955-2-25

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  • Accession Number: 00039638
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Dec 4 1994 12:00AM