Various relief grooves, located in the shafts between the liners and the hubs, were investigated with regard to their effects on the fatigue strengths of conventional tailshaft assemblies. It was found that tailshaft assemblies could be designed which would fail in the groove, regardless of whether single or increment loads were used, and that the fatigue strength of these grooved assemblies was higher than the fatigue strength of comparable ungrooved tailshaft assemblies. The grooved assemblies which had the highest fatigue strengths failed predominantly under the fitted members. The notch fatigue factors obtained with these test results were considerably higher than the estimated combined fatigue notch factors, and it is speculated that this apparent intensification is due to the added notch effect from the fitted members.

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

  • TRT Terms: Loads
  • Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment;

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00005556
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Engineering Index
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 25 1974 12:00AM