Humanfaktoren in der Wartung: ein Auszug aus dem Humanfaktoren-Trainingsprogramm von InfoWERK

Human Factors in Maintenance: an Excerpt from the InfoWERK Human Factors Training Program

Seit Ende der 1980er Jahre rueckte aufgrund von Unfaellen der Begriff Humanfaktoren auch im Bereich der Flugzeugwartungstechnik in den Vordergrund. Im Beitrag werden Auszuege aus dem Trainingsprogramm "Human Factors" in der Flugzeugwartungstechnik des oesterreichischen Unternehmens InfoWERK praesentiert. Im Mittelpunkt stehen folgende Themen: (1) Grenzen der menschlichen Leistungsfaehigkeit in den Bereichen Seh- und Hoervermoegen, Informationsverarbeitung sowie Wahrnehmung, (2) Situationsbewusstsein, (3) Verantwortung des Einzelnen und der Gruppe, (4) Management, Supervision und Fuehrungsverhalten, (5) Arbeitsumgebung und (6) menschliche Fehler. Zur Gesamtaufnahme siehe ITRD D366475. (KfV/K) red flight, the design, construction and control of aircraft predominated. The main attributes of the first pilots were courage and the mastery of a whole new set of skills in the struggle to control the new flying machines. As the technical aspects of flight were overcome bit by bit, the role of the people associated with aircraft began to come to the fore. Pilots were supported initially with mechanisms to help them stabilise the aircraft, and later with automated systems to assist the crew with tasks such as navigation and communication. With such interventions to complement the abilities of pilots, aviation 'human factors' was born. The use of the term 'human factors' in the context of aviation maintenance engineering is relatively new. Aircraft accidents such as that of the Aloha aircraft in the USA in 1988 and the BAC 1-11 windscreen accident in the UK in June 1990 brought the need to address human factors issues in this environment into sharp focus. This does not imply that human factors issues were not present before these dates, nor that human error did not contribute to other incidents; merely that it took an accident to draw attention to human factors problems and potential solutions. (A)


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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01357917
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit (KfV)
  • ISBN: 978-3-7089-0701-7
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 1 2011 8:12AM