This paper examines the principal trends and changes in maritime which, since the early 1950's when the 1954 Oil Pollution Convention followed the discharge of increasing quantities of oil from ships and tankers during ballasting and tank washing, have increased the scope and complexity of the problem. The measures being taken to deal with deliberate and accidental pollution by oil and other noxious substances carried in ships are described and mention is made of certain recently concluded legal Conventions which provide appropriate powers to enable states to action to investigate or prevent pollution damage, and provide means of redress for such damage. With reference to the preparatory work for a Conference to be convened by IMCO in 1973, the paper outlines certain studies being made to assess the economic, design and operational effects of various possible methods of eliminating pollution from ships and to estimate the degree of pollution abatement which might be achieved by each approach. Also described are the steps being taken to evaluate noxious substances in their relationship to human health, and marine resources or amenities, when they are released into the sea. The draft Convention for the Conference is considered in all the technical aspects of the problems including pollution arising from the disposal of ship-generated sewage and garbage.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • 45 Conference Papers presented at IMAS 73, London, 4-8 June 1973, organized by the Institute of Marine Engineers. This paper is available only in a set of 7 papers in Subject Group 4: "Marine Pollution: Sewage, Oil, and Noise" at $10.00.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Institute of Marine Engineers

    Memorial Building, 76 Mark Lane
    London EC3R 7JN,   England 
  • Authors:
    • Young, SLD
  • Publication Date: 1973

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00048465
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Institute of Marine Engineers
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 14 1973 12:00AM