The role of ship management in business activities of shipping companies

Uloga brodskog menadzmenta u poslovanju brodarskih poduzeca

Given the many challenges that shipping companies are faced with today in this global market, effective management is key to their survival and success. Intangible assets that elude economic analysis, such as the management of human resources, intellectual capital and knowledge, are becoming more important to modern management. Motivating or inspiring workers is one of the most important functions of a modern manager, and this often depends on his/her personal characteristics or charisma. When it comes to achieving the objectives as set out by shipping companies, ship management (management on board) plays a significant role. It falls under the operational level of the shipping company and is specific in its position and importance to the management of shipping companies. From the point of view of the management structure, most of the time is spent on leadership skills. But in order to achieve the operational objectives, additional time must be dedicated to other management functions, such as planning, staffing and controlling.

  • Availability:
  • Authors:
    • Bistricic, Ante
    • Jugovic, Alen
    • Kuzman, Zlatco
  • Publication Date: 2011-6


  • English
  • Croatian

Media Info

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01349916
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 16 2011 1:56PM