The objectives were to 1) determine the deflections of the horizontal and vertical tank supports when the ship is subjected to various loading conditions, and, 2) determine the stresses in the hull and support platforms for these loading conditions. This information, especially the deflections of the support platform, is needed to determine the forces that will be transmitted from the ship through the articulated vertical support system to the large spherical pressure vessels that carry the cargo. The results indicate that the maximum vertical deflections of the support platform out of a horizontal plane are less than a centimeter for the loadings investigated. The circular hold deforms out of its circular shape in all the loadings as one would expect. The maximum horizontal movement of any support point on the circular support platform is less than 3 centimeters. Relatively high longitudinal stresses are found in the main deck at the transverse centerline of the tank. Areas of high bending stresses are pointed out and should be further investigated using means other than a beam element model due to modeling difficulites.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Department of Ocean Engineering, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
    Cambridge, MA  United States  02139
  • Authors:
    • Tweedie, R S
  • Publication Date: 1973-6

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00048364
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Report/Paper Numbers: MS Thesis
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 14 1973 12:00AM