A Process for the Estimation of the Duration of Activities in Fuzzy Project Scheduling
In dealing with uncertainty and imprecision Fuzzy Project Scheduling (FPS) has been presented as an alternative to well established traditional scheduling methods. The aim of this paper is to propose a process for the estimation of the duration of activities that are to be used in a FPS system. Initially, the sources of uncertainty are distinguished into the project and activity level. Then, the work focuses primarily on the calculation of the duration of activities based on the productivity of resources and the fuzzy parameters that define it. Thereafter, a specific example is presented from earthworks in a motorway project. Finally, the estimated duration can be adjusted based on the perceived risks at the project level. Overall, the paper presents a means for encoding a project manager's perception of uncertainty in the duration of activities that are to be used in FPS.
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Supplemental Notes:
- Copyright © 2011 ASCE
- Maravas, A
- Pantouvakis, J. P.
- The ICVRAM 2011 and ISUMA 2011 Conferences: Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk: Analysis, Modeling, and Management
- Location: Hyattsville MD, United States
- Date: 2011-4-11 to 2011-4-13
- Publication Date: 2011
- English
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Fuzzy sets; Project management; Scheduling
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01347436
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 978-0-7844-1170-4
- Files: TRIS, ASCE
- Created Date: Aug 8 2011 2:14PM