The metro of Monterrey (Mexico), has been the first metro in the world to replace the use of conventional electric energy by the so called clean energy. The whole network is fed by clean energy since June 2006 which is generated by a power conversion plant named BENLESA, a public private project, who distributes clean energy mainly to METRORREY and the rest for public city lighting and some government buildings. The clean energy production process starts with the trash collection and separation, only organic trash is used in this procedure. Trash is packed and buried in special containers, beneath the surface level, and with appropriate temperature and humidity levels the organic trash releases biogas, a composition of methane and carbon dioxide gases. The biogas is captured and transported in pipes up to turbine motors that generate electricity by the biogas movement. With the use of clean energy, METRORREY gets three important benefits: it helps to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions., it gets savings in the acquisition price of clean energy compared with the price of conventional energy, it reduces the carbon footprint


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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01338894
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
  • Files: UITP
  • Created Date: May 3 2011 2:25PM