A two-phase air-water propulsion system was studied to establish the scaling laws and to determine the efficiency. A calculational method which separates frictional, residuary and air flow associated forces was postulated and physical models were built and tested in a towing tank to provide data for verification of the postulate. Because of the poor quality of the data, the strongest statement that can be made at this time is that the postulated method of separation of forces holds promise and that the system can be expected to have an efficiency (exclusive of power plant and piping, etc.) of about 20%. Some of the special features and potential areas of application of the two-phase propulsor are discussed. The experimental methodology was examined in light of the results achieved by its use and it was concluded that the experimental procedure needed improvement. Suggestions for further work in the field are given.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Department of Ocean Engineering, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
    Cambridge, MA  United States  02139
  • Authors:
    • Cox, V G
  • Publication Date: 1972-6

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00044178
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 11 1973 12:00AM