Velocity similarity laws, based on a four-layer, mean-velocity-profile model are deduced for turbulent boundary layers with dilute polymer solutions by means of pipe-flow experiments. Measured drag reduction is found to have three domains: undersaturated, optimal, and oversaturated. The drag reduction does not increase with increasing concentration in the oversaturated domain where a strong interactive layer dominates the entire linear logarithmic region of the boundary layer. Drag reduction increases with increasing concentration in the undersaturated domain where the four-layer profile exists in the boundary layer. The boundary between the two domains gives optimal drag reduction; it is determined by the polymer type and concentration and by a Reynolds number based on shear velocity and boundary-layer thickness. Pipe- flow experiments have been made to study the drag-reduction characteristics in the undersaturated domain. The effects of solvent temperature, pipe diameter, polymer type and concentration, and wall shear stress on the measured drag reduction have been investigated.
Corporate Authors:
Naval Ship Research and Development Center
Ship Performance Department
Bethesda, MD United States 20034 -
- Huang, T T
- Publication Date: 1973-8
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: 40 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Additives; Boundary layer; Drag; Pipe flow; Polymers; Turbulence; Turbulent boundary layer
- Old TRIS Terms: Drag reduction; Polymer additives
- Subject Areas: Design; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00050495
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Naval Ship Research and Development Center
- Report/Paper Numbers: Report 4096
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jan 4 1974 12:00AM