The main elements of this study are intended to complement an earlier study entitled, "Spill Prevention Techniques for Hazardous Polluting Substances" under EPA Contract 14-12-927 and published by the Water Quality Office, February 1971. This related report, "Regulations, Practices and Plans for the Prevention of Spills of Oil and Hazardous Polluting Substances," Volumes I and II, represents the results of a three-phase study effort to: (1) review Federal, State, local, commercial and industrial rules, regulations, standards and recommended practices to prevent the spills of oil and hazardous polluting substances, (2) survey selected facilities and plants in the field to document the state of the art in spill prevention technology and critically evaluate the "cause and effect" relationship of spill prevention technology to rules, regulations, and standards, (3) prepare a program plan (prototype plan) that proposes a balanced Federal, State, local and industry spill prevention program. Volume I presents the results of Phases 1 and 2; Volume II gives a summary of the program and presents the program plan. In addition, this study shows that spill prevention for oil and hazardous polluting substances is practiced mainly as a result of fire and safety codes. There are, in fact, very few spill prevention programs for environmental protection at the Federal, State and local levels of government. The data documented in this study and the prototype plan could be used as a basis for identifying problems associated with spill prevention.
Corporate Authors:
Little (Arthur D), Incorporated
Acorn Park
Cambridge, MA United States 02140 -
- Wechsler, A E
- Stevens, J I
- Huska, P A
- Publication Date: 1971-10
Media Info
- Pagination: 201 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Oil spills; Petroleum terminals; Prevention; Regulation; Water quality management
- Old TRIS Terms: Oil spill prevention; Oil terminals; Water pollution regulation
- Subject Areas: Environment; Marine Transportation; Security and Emergencies;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00048396
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Little (Arthur D), Incorporated
- Contract Numbers: EPA-14-12-950
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 14 1973 12:00AM