The book presents a brief history survey of the development of a new means of transportation - surface-effect vehicles - and various types of these vehicles constructed abroad are described. The main features of near-surface aerodynamics, on the basis of which are created high-speed surface effect vehicles, are considered. Classification and description are presented of basic design features of foreign surface-effect vehicles, their hulls, power plants and starting devices, and also the results of testing these crafts. Their seaworthiness and problems of flight stability are considered. Finally, the aerodynamic and power advantages of surface-effect vehicles and their position in the overall system of vessels and crafts using new principles of motion, and also the short-range prospects of surface-effect vehicle development are shown. ( Author )
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Supplemental Notes:
- Translated from Monograph Ekranoplany, Leningrad, 1968 176P
Corporate Authors:
Army Foreign Science and Technology Center
220 7th Street, NE
Charlottesville, VA United States 22901 -
- Belavin, N I
- Publication Date: 1969
Media Info
- Pagination: 174 p.
- Technical Translation
- Publisher: Joint Publications Research Service
- ISSN: FSTC92236282301
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Surface effect ships
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00001974
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Defense Documentation Center
- ISBN: FSTC-0423100
- Report/Paper Numbers: FSTC-HT-23-437-69
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 30 1972 12:00AM