Drenaje asociado a las estructuras

Drainage associated with structures

En este articulo se hace una revision de los sistemas de drenaje asociados a las estructuras presentes habitualmente en las carreteras. No siendo especialmente complicados en su diseno, suelen representar un papel secundario dentro de la concepcion inicial de aquellas, no recabando su atencion hasta que no se detectan las primeras patologias por su mal funcionamiento. En la exposicion se ha diferenciado el drenaje de pasos superiores y viaductos (analizando su afeccion a cada uno de los elementos que los constituyen), pasos inferiores y muros. En el articulo se ha pretendido presentar varios ejemplos graficos de patologias asociadas a defectos en el drenaje asociado a estructuras. (A). English abstract: In this article, the drainage systems associated to structures, which are usually present on highways, will be reviewed. Not being specially complicated in their design, they normally present a secondary role within the initial conception of highways. Not much attention is paid to them until the first pathologies, due to the bad behaviour of the drainage systems, are detected. In this article, the drainage has been distinguished between elevated crossings and viaducts (analysing its affection on each element that constitutes them), an also between undergrade crossings and walls. Several graphical examples try to represent the pathologies associated to drainage failure in structures. (A).


  • Spanish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01183096
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX)
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Oct 7 2010 11:11AM